Pundaquit (Pundakit) and surroundings

On the map above Pundaquit, San Antonio Town, Capones and Camara Island

Pundaquit Beach

At the village of Pundaquit, there is a long, sandy beach closed by the cape on the south. On that beach there are lots of bancas. The bigger ones can give you enough shadow. What I liked, there were hardly any vendors on that beach during my stay in Pundaquit what points there are no many people, especially foreigners. There are often strong waves here and it is getting deep quickly when you get to the water, so you must be careful about your companions who cannot swim. Well, those waves are a good fun for many people there. It is a good place for surfers too.

Looking at the sea you will see more on the left Capones Island and on the right from it 2 Camara Islands which can be connected by sandbar during a low tide.

What is interesting, when you go farther north along a beach, on the left you will see Camara Island and on the right – Capones Island.

When you look at the sea, behind you, there are mountains very close, visible on your left side.

If you want to have a great view on the whole Pundaquit area, you must go south along a beach till the end where there is a cape.

There is a trail there up to the top of that cape.

When we get to the top, we will have a great panorama on Pundaquit and it's all surroundings.

From that point, all mountains closing Pundaquit from the east and from the south are well visible.

If you like longer trekking, you can go up farther along a ridge of the mountain.

On the right side, you will have a nice view on Capones (on the left side of the picture) and Camara Island (on the right side of the picture).

Going up farther, you will be able to see Agnain Cove (Agnaem Cove).

Agnain Cove is beautiful. It is surrounded by mountains.

In this way our efforts were rewarded. Well, this is not a trip for a smaller children.

The place between Pundaquit and Agnain Cove (good view on Camara and Capones Island too)

From the main beach in Pundaquit you can go along the coast north too. In this way you can get to San Miguel. But there is one hindrance before you get to that place – the Pamatawan River.

On the picture here you can see a mouth of the river and Camara Island farther

If you are adventurous, you can take your bag over your head and cross the river. 🙂

A few steps more and you are in San Miguel.

It is possible to see some small waterfalls close to Pundaquit. Well, how they will look like is dependant on whether it is rainy or dry season. This waterfall we could see during January. Well, to get to them, you must go close to the southern end of the main beach and ask someone to let you get in that private area and show you the way.

women's team in front of volleyball court

If you are in Pundaquit in January, I think you can watch a contest of women's volleyball or men's basketball. This is a competition between puroks (zones of the barangay) of Pundaquit's teams. Of course, if you cannot join such a competition, you can play just for fun. Only be careful because many volleyballs have been spoilt hitting sharp objects.

In the morning, you can wait for fishermen to buy from them fresh fish or even a lobster like on the picture.

Before darkness comes, you can enjoy beautiful sunset on the beach.

Things worth to know:

Swimming: the water of Pundaquit Beach starts getting deep very quickly and waves are often strong, so please care about people who cannot swim well and are under your protection. Do not lose from your sight especially children.

It is really seldom I think but you can get stung by a jellyfish.

a handIf it happens,

If it happens, please use some vinegar (put on your stung area).

If you are Catholic and you need to go to a church, the best solution is to go to a mass to the Pundaquit church. Due to the fact there is only one priest who serves in many churches, the only mass is on Saturday at 6pm. You must know also that the priest can be late even much. Before the mass, you should hear ringing of the church's bell many times. The church is at the main way of Pundaquit.

In San Antonio, unfortunately, the mass is very early – 7am on every Sunday. You will not have a problem to find a church there. It is close to the public market.